Thursday, October 2, 2008

Deep Cutz State of the Union Part 2

More Politi-Cutz....
...(with more music on the horizon)
--(by Jeff Milo)

So...I went spinning off into mad rambilng oblivions yesterday, into some barn-doors-blowing stomps and stretched-to-the-breaking-point-rants in political essay-writing with the last post...

or...something not far from

But there's more to say...Indeed, now the door is open, the spirit is charged, the powder trail is lit and the spark is blazing down the line... - As I write this, it is only an hour or so before the Vice Presidential Debates - so I'll be behind on whatever mind-numbingly idiotic stammering word-soup junior-high-debate-class-note-card-jumbling bat your eyes and use that Fargo accent charm that the unbelievably disconcerting Sarah Palin may have blathered herself into...
(then again, Joe Biden is certainly one of the farthest from being graceful or succinct with his public speaking) should be one amazing mess of human obtuseness

But a few things struck me in the last 24 hours.....and as I am feeling ever more restless to continue to stomp around, fist in the air in some sort of hopefully proactive manner...I felt I should share some of these with you...

-----If you check out
Detroit Riot you can watch a nigh-5-minute clip featuring a parade of celebrities clearly targeting the youth vote...

-----if you hit up Newsweek's site - you can read Fareed Zakaria
level-headed and extremely grave tirade / warning, aganist the frightening potential of allowing Sarah Palin anymore advancement into politics - and how this is absolutely....AB-SO-FUCKING-LUTELY...the worst time in history, just a perfect storm of shit and greed and wayward economies and wars and stressed geopolitical relations....just the WORST even joke about having someone like this in the white house...

Writes Zakaria: Can we now admit the obvious? .....she has never spent a day thinking about any important national or international issue, and this is a hell of a time to start. The next administration is going to face a set of challenges unlike any in recent memory. ...Between the Bush tax cuts, homeland-security needs, Iraq, Afghanistan and the bailout, the budget is looking bleak. Plus, within a few years, the retirement of the baby boomers begins with its massive and rising costs (in the trillions)."

------Also, this slipped under the mainstream press....
John McCain said he aspires to be a dictator....
(Keith Olbermann mentioned it, but...hinted...or perhaps hoped?...that the Senator was joking...)

--for more insight into this aspiring Dictator... -

Now, I'd written before, I often find myself feeling apprehensive and full of doubt and anger - because we can all get high and giddy on HOPE and wave signs and chant for O-Bah-Mah or Yes-We-Can....

but the unhealthy aspect of all this rousnig is that it emphasizes the future - the danger is to not have your dreams, your imagination, your hopes - taken advantage of....nothing is as sweet as your wildest dreams...

Democrats are politicians...or as Ralph Nader once aptly described the two (often-in-cahoots-)-dominating parties- "two heads of the same corporate party" (check
this out for inspiration)

And I'm not sure I have an answer for this...specifically regarding the old dry, poisonous resignment to just shrugging it off and saying "ah well, the lesser of two evils" and crank goes the (hopefully NON-electronic-)- voting machine... The answer I kept coming to was to remember that you are bigger than all these politicians - these greedy war-mongers and Wall Street players, you have a soul!!!, you and I and your friends and my friends and our friendship and family and love - are worth so much more! It's all about embracing the Self and embracing LIFE....that is where you will find truth.

And, yes!!--we must remember, that one candidate has at least said that he will get us out of Iraq, that he will work toward universal health care, that he will work (harder, more earnestly) toward alternative energy, that he will embrace diplomacy! Those things matter to me...and in an imperfect system where candidates like Kucinich and Paul and Nader are tragically pushed to the fringe by a manipulative bought-and-sold media....we must go with Obama.

if you're interested:

or -

But ---that said, I found a fascinating and very important article in Newsweek that I hope all of you Obama supporters will read...If we're going with Obama - then we deserve to ask...

‘Ask Not What You Can Do For Barack Obama, Ask What Barack Obama Can Do For You’

by Jonathan Darman


"Get selfish before it's too late. The financial crisis is horrible news for everyone—rich and poor, young and old. But the fact that it coincides with the presidential debates—the last gasp of substance in the campaign—provides a unique opportunity for you to ask Obama to choose you. With the new fiscal reality, neither he nor John McCain should get away with promising everyone what he or she wants. In debates they will be pressed to explain their priorities. Seize this opportunity. To get the best of Obama, young people, cut out the blind devotion. Get off the Huffington Post. Stop the Facebook blasts. If you really want to be the change you've been waiting for, start holding Obama to some of his promises to our generation. In these waning days of the campaign, ask not what you can do for Barack Obama, ask what Barack Obama can do for you."

"The most predictable request, and a suitable one for our earnest generation, is for Obama to do something about the entitlement crisis. Many of you know how Armageddon is coming through simple math: the retirement of the baby-boom generation means the Social Security system will have to pay out more in benefits for retired workers than it is taking in from those still in the workforce....

....if our generation fails to hold Obama to a higher standard in the final weeks of this campaign, it will most likely get what it deserves: a decidedly ordinary President Obama and a new generation's descent into cynicism. This would be a tragedy, for, in truth, there is one thing that makes our generation special. We still have the power to believe.

.........which echoes all of my points from this rant.........

We can all cry tears of joy the day Obama is elected president...I know so many of us will...myself included....but the very next morning, we must calm down and regain (or attain, for the dreamers) a renewed vigiliance...and become staunch critics...

seek the something....

Register! Vote!

and yes...., still.... Hope!


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