Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Have It All

"Here's 3 cheers and thanks for family...(and friends)"

Eddie Baranek belts out a poignant and personal ballad on the latest batch of songs from the rejuvenated Sights - and it's a song you'll likely hear at their Thanksgiving eve show at the Magic Stick (info below).

Thanks. It's that time of year - and while Hallmark and cable television and Disney and all sorts of other dubious, faceless money-counting media demons would like to manipulate holiday cheer into profitability - let's not cast it aside...the thankfulness, I mean, just becuase we're conditioned to see it as cheesy. I'm all for cynicism, but...after I heard that Sights song, I started warming up to feeling that thankful feeling...I'll stop this before it turns to a rant -

Thanks for reading - thanks for the music, thanks for uh...heh, being a friend.

As Harry Tuttle says, "We're all in it together..."


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