Saturday, April 24, 2010

Smoke Out (Part 2) - Belmont - 4/30

So...maaaaaybe - this will all blow over...or uh...burn out? Man, I'm sorry - I'm even scoffing at myself at the cheesy fun I'm having over cigarette-puns...


But - whether it will feel cripplingly oppressive (head out on the patio and blow it up at the sky) or refreshingly liberating (hey, I don't have to do my laundry or disconcertingly spray my wardrobe with chemical-y 'febreeze' so I can re-wear my hipster coat out to the coffee-and-bagel-hangover-spot the next morning)... whatever the after effects of the MAY 1ST kick-off of the Michigan Legislature's signed ban on smoking in bars and eateries - it seems the music community is taking it with quite a bit of gravity.

As posted earlier - there is a Magic Stick 'blowout' already planned -

Now, there's a comparably-epic-sized line up rolling through the Belmont - on April 30th - ...and it looks as though it's going to be an all-nighter...either that, or the poster's promising of "super-power-sets" means compacted-4-song sets....(?)

The Beggars (pictured, w/"dancin' shoe")- Citizen Smile - Sey Lui - Electric Fire Babies - Infinate Land of Make Believe - Hot Rails - Jeni Lee and the Great Tribulation - Four Hour Friends - and - Blase Splee.

1 comment:

  1. It took me like three hours to finish the shading. It's probably the best drawing I've ever done
