A curly mained guitarist crab-walked his ass across the floor - another shaggy shouter tore up his robe and tied himself to everyone he could whilst also enveloping them into a make-shift catepillar-poncho device - a drummer handed me a cd, pointing to the glue-splattered back-end and proclaiming/warning - 'there's some of our hair in there' - I almost shook hands with a videographer/recorder with green paint all over one hand, blue all over the other -
I woke up tired... 3 more days to go
Schedule here. Info here. Fucking Awesome Fest
The Satin Peaches -
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and... Prussia - blessed be!
ed. - day jobs, in the following morning and on the same day's fading evening, kept us from catching some bands - apologies... any one I talked to raved about Jessica Hernandez and the Deltas
good job