Monday, October 11, 2010

Euonym's Reunion EP

Blogs love to name things. To classify them.

This Ypsi-based quintet is named for a noun that means an apt name-for a person or place, something that seems to fit.

And here, with Euonym, I can't quite give you a name.
I can give you elements...the senses...
a brooding, brushing mystery, stoked by a stirring acoustic guitar and a stirring low boom vocal that winds upwards into a bristling electric guitar that accelerates alongside the clattering drums while a synthesizer flutters this way and that like uneasy avian surveyors darting across the shunting song...

...and that would be "Decibel 1903..."

<a href="">decibel 1903 by euonym</a>

While it's tempting to embrace the gut reaction for naming: indie-rock... be it Barlow or Brock... one would also throw in Byrne... you could throw around as many names, be they songwriters or be they nonsensical mish-mash catch phrases often utilized by the shoot from the hip style of blogs -

But Euonym can be as raucous as they can be meditative - as fuzzified "indie" as they can be ambient electronic - The landscapes are often wavy, jittery even, warmed by strange spacey tones of synthesizer and flitting pianos, the vocals are a pensive, autumanl-tinged musing and the guitars vascillate from delicate to deluge. It's a dark-ish, rough-ish, taut sound that often gleams a coaxing pop sound underneath a sort of spooky-folk vibe, rusted or roiled by the tinge of a spilling feedback or made luminescent by it's electronic accoutrment.

What's in a name?
Look for a physical EP later this month

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