Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Saturday

Black Friday is ending as I type this...
...Hermited away, inside my bungalow, staring out at this eerily pleasant weather...
...Knowing, unsettled, that the masses are out their, bumping into-and-off-of each other, like ants in a glass-smushed-farm, unknowingly acquiescent to some cruel science experiment, poured from the blended beakers of Macy's and Roebucks, from car dealerships and Best Buys...
...coaxing your aunt and your other klatch of non-music-obsessed friends who may be less cynical than you... coaxing them out, out, into the gaping maw of the mega-mall, swallowed to shop, to churn through its innards and collect discounted debris from its bleached viscera... to store away the plastics and the diamonds and the woolen sweaters and the shoes, the toys and the kindles and the always-too-easily-broken bits...into closets for the next 30 days...

Some of us are shopping small. Like my mom, tomorrow, in Ferndale... or as part of a co-opted Occupy-Wall-Street thing

Some of us are just too damn busy today (like me...)

Some of us, though, just ain't got the money right now...

And that's the subject of Passalacqua's latest joint, a contribution to the Annual Suburban Sprawl X-Mas Compilation... (A free streaming gift, packed with dozens of season/holiday-themed tunes from a range of Michigan musicians - be they rock, rap, punk or random-one-off collaborations of weirdness...)

Doc Illingsworth (of Detroit CYDI) spits some bars on this track, along with Mister and Blaksmith. Passalacqua plays on December 9th, at the Magic Stick, with ambio/electro/space-pop wonderkids Phantasmagoria, and Ann Arbor-based digi-noise-scramble composers Chrome Sparks and fthrsn -

Head to Sub Sprawl's label site on December 1st for the new comp!

New sounds? Here's new sounds... (well...two-month-old-sounds, but still):

New videos? Watch Doc Illingsworth - discovering the Internet...

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