Monday, May 29, 2017

Outrageous Cherry's New Singles on Burger (UFO Factory -Wednesday)

It's been several months, almost a year, since we've seen a local performance by venerated psych-pop auteurs Outrageous Cherry. 

UFO Factory
with Fascinating, and Eliza Godfrey
More info

A few weeks ago, the group debuted a pair of new singles via Cali-based cassette label Burger Records. One track, "Places," is a dreamy drifter of slow surfy vibes augmented splendidly by an organ and a splash of tambourines, while band founder/lead singer Matthew Smith lets loose a melodic, bluesy kind of serenade about the fragility of your dreams, and the vulnerability of your mindset, to the ever-shifting whims and trends dominating any of the callous-cool & indifferent mecca's of art, be it Paris, L.A., or even Detroit.

But, that's the flipside. What we have streaming below is something comparatively more sprightly. This is the group, (featuring Larry Ray on guitar, Colleen Burke on bass, and Maria Nuccilli on drums), covering A Passing Fancy's 1968 strutter "I Believe In Sunshine!" (I love the guitar solo on this, sounds like a Rickenbacker  but I could be wrong--if nothing else, it epitomizes the endorphin-splash of summertime!)

Smith has been a songwriter I've followed since my earliest day upon the Detroit music scene - from Outrageous Cherry, to The Witches, to The Volbeats. He's certifiably a modern pop mastermind - with a sweet sensibility for garage grit, bubblegum-whimsy, and darker ruminative trips... Eager to see what happens later this year, when Outrageous Cherry unveil a full-length album. Stay tuned.

Join the Burger Club for 2017
and check out more about Outrageous Cherry, here

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