Blowout time again…
Here just in time to thaw our gray-spilled souls and rickety joints from one of the more antagonistic winter brushes we’ve had in recent memory through the ceremonial opening of the humble Hamtramck area to hundreds of wrist-banded Miller Light drinkers on some kind of wink-and-a-nod, wanton tear through the city, the tight-pantsed hipsters parading about with Halloween-conjuring-take-to-the-streets-pageantry.
Rather than make you sift through my own picks for the weekend, you should just go here and decide for yourself, through aid of a schedule and a map of the town.
The faceless internet dwellers, downloaders and seen-it-all-types always rip on this event – but even after seeing my own fair share of them and feeling the temptation to ‘take it easy’ this year, or ‘not get too excited’ or ‘rip on all the new bands who aren’t as good as ____ used to be’ etc…I instead find myself as excited as ever...
This is…well, I don’t know the statistics but, it’s got to be the biggest local-only music festival in the nation; your neighbors, the people you stand in line with at the coffeeshop, the people you read about in Real Detroit, the people who hate Detroit’s over-amount of one-way streets as much as you, the musicians and artists who grew up in the same shitty backyard as you did…and there’s jovial invigoration in running through the sidewalks on these 3 (4) nights of casual mischief and tightly packed hotblooded chaos, to know you have the potential, in one night, to have 4 different drinks to listen to 4 (most probably) distinctly different genres from 4 different bands…and then to know that what you’ve just experienced is only a fraction of what’s going on throughout the small town of Hamtramck at that moment.
Choose your own adventure.
Eric Dilworth - improvisational jazz and soul - musical poetry.
9:30pm Painted Lady 2930 Jacob
Misty Lyn and the Big Beautiful
10:15pm 3141 (Locker Room) 3141 Caniff

(Misty Lyn is also featured in this week's print-version of Deep Cutz, because the Big Beautiful will be playing the Elbow Room, also on the 8th.
Charlie Slick
11pm Kelly’s Bar 2403 Holbrook
The Decks
midnight, Baker’s Streetcar 9817 Joseph Campau
Child Bite - spur of the moment, herked-jerked mind rock, with thick bass, insane rhythm, brass breadth and organ/joystick ferocity, easily one of the best live bands in town.
10pm Knights of Columbus (hall) 9632 Conant
11pm Painted Lady 2930 Jacob or
The Terrible Twos
11pm Smalls, 10339 Conant
Tone and Niche
midnight, Whiskey in the Jar, 2741 Yemans
His Name Is Alive
1am Smalls, 10399 Conant
1am Paychecks, 2932 Caniff

Defying the Law Bicycle Club Talent Showcase all night at
the Knights of Columbus (Lounge)
9632 Conant
Electric Firebabies - bizarre, smoky, tribal electro-freestyling, with B-52's-esque art-dance guitar chording, post-punk visceral (but catchy) chanted choruses and insuppressible synth storms - making their debut at
9:15pm K of C Lounge
The Frustrations - one of your best bets for punk...
10pm Small’s, 10339 Conant
Fontanta - also phenomenal punk
11pm, Shenanigan’s 3216 Carpenter
Dead Bodies
midnight, Baker’s Streetcar, 9817 Joesph Campau
Sisters Lucas
1 am, Kelly’s Bar, 2403 Holbrook
The Questions
1am, Shenanigans, 3216 Carpenter