Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Newness - Crystal Stilts / Wild Beasts / Papercuts

So, in about a month's time, NY's jangly psyche-n-shoegaze sweethearts Cyrstal Stilts will release their 2nd LP - In Love With Oblivions (on Slumberland) hints at stronger struts of pop and yet, also, still grimey shades of punk draping down upon their stripped down guitar warbled allure.

No extensive tour dates yet - but you can stream a couple tracks from Oblivion:

Band site


In tow with this bloggy quick-and-dirty post - England's somewhat saucy, definitely shakeable, atmospheric indie rock quartet Wild Beasts are also getting ready to drop a new album onto this internet world:
Smother is out in May on Domino... Take a listen.

or download it free, Wednesday - here

Want more?

The grooving, gossamer fuzzed dream pop of Jason Quever's Papercuts put out their fourth album on Sub Pop just a week ago... blends of evocative baroque-pop muddled melifluously with head swimming feedback...and Quever's poignant and provocative lyrics... the most soothing electricution you'll find this side of the stereo.

Watch - and get more info from Sub Pop -

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