Sunday, March 20, 2011

tUnE-yArDs' Bizness

Merrill Garbus (tUnE-yArDs) makes some of the most animated and eclectic music and it's doubly heartening that she's getting her genre-defying piquant pop clatters catapulted out from the underground by the likes of 4AD.

The singer/songwriter with pipes as apt to growl flames or flutter out lullabyes steadily turned the right heads through 2008, arms with her ukulele and multi-tracked vocals, with their distinctive yodeling/scatting/belting/crooning, captured onto a digital voice recorder and humbly rolled onto the reels of a cassette (BiRd-BrAiNs)... "...the little record that could..." as Stereogum dubbed it.

Next month, Garbus gives us W H O K I L - her comparatively beefed up follow up (on 4AD), with balanced levels, warm guitars with plenty of feedback roar, less lo-fi clatter and disorienting splays of sparseness and girded grooves... and of course, those raidant, rousing vocals, looped in dazzling displays and oozing her usual quirky charm.

Take a sample:

tUnE-yArDs - "Bizness"

Read the sTeReOgUm iNTERVEW!!

Look for W H O K I L (4AD) - 4/19

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