Tuesday, September 8, 2015


"This shit's corny, but we 'bout to turn it out!!"

LXL, (Large, Extra Large) is a new hip-hop project between MC WarrenPeace and producer/rapper Jah Connery. Possibly a device for silliness, possibly a vehicle of surreptitious thinking-man's satire in the form of facetious rhymes, but doubtless, a project of interest for local rap fans, since these two talents have put out a substantial amount of exceptional tracks as solo artists, already, over these last five years. To be honest, I have to back my blogger ass out of the room and just leave this right here... http://www.modernknotartists.com/lxl ...because Modern Knot Artists actually have a more effective, eloquent, character-defining biography of the project...

There will be a different sensibility to their upcoming cassette album, Nosh Pit, charged with an ardently self-deprecating spark and a charismatic sense of being comfortable in one's own skin, as this duo has three decades of life experience, along with families, now, so they aren't necessarily out to take on the world with braggadocio bars dropped about their cars, fat wallets or intimidating virility. "Rappers and artists are supposed to draw from experience..." said Joshua Davis (aka Jah Connery), "...well, here in our 30's, now, and as Dad's, this is our experience..."

The reason there's such a renewed energy behind these snarky, parody raps is that both Davis and Joe Liebson (aka WarrenPeace) felt like they were at a fork in the paths of their respective rap arcs... It was time to either make a U-turn or buckle tighter and go off-road!

"As father's of young children, (Liebson) and I found it hard to maintain the sometimes confrontational, but often serious lyrics we were writing for our own solo endeavors," said Davis. "We found in writing together that our lyrics became less dense, and more focused on wordplay. Adding turntablist KeeFlo was a no-brainer." KeeFlo, it should be noted, keenly cued in, quickly, with the vibe LXL was laying down, turning his talents behind the decks toward a comparable fare of irreverence... (like samples of Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force) slicing in above the scratches into looped hooks of funky guitar riffs in "LXL Theme."

"Get respect / something that I never knew, like revenue / resolute..." (...Because, don't get us wrong, the pair of them might be rapping about John Cusack and "The Truth About Stupid," but both of them stitched in some sincere truths with yarns specific to some weary, but nevertheless resolute, 30-something Dad's still doing it, the best they can...

Says Davis: "We wanted the production to hinge on the sound of turntablism, in an attempt to, in our own music, pay homage to what hip hop was, without addressing it in the lyrics, which we think is kinda hack these days."

Nosh Pit will be released on cassette, iTunes, Spotify and most importantly modernknotartists.com, (the latter is producing the release party on September 19th).

"The release party will be a multimedia weird-out held," Davis said. "Most people who know us will be able to inuit the exact location when we say 'in Eastern Market...'"

Nosh Pit's release show, as we said, is on September 19 and it will feature performances from Mister (Passalacqua), Leaf Erikson (Smash Television, Audopilots), and :brownstudy. There's also talk of an 'omelette battle' between Jah Connery and Mister, a "Being John Malkovich-esque Experience" with WarrenPeace, live print making "made by and concerning" healthy snacks, and, finally, a "chicken and waffle beer" for "certain lucky individuals." 

You can extend your evening, on the 19th, with the monthly Head Nod Suite, the local beat-maker showcase featuring an instrumental set by Jah Connery, Clear Soul Forces beatsmith Illajide and DJ Ohkang behind the decks.

More info? Right here: https://www.facebook.com/events/846810455433495/

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