Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Get an early start on your Cinco de Mayo celebrating with The Real Diptopia... 

Can you imagine? A utopian society of dips, salsa's, pico de gallos, fresca spices and guacamole.... Maybe hummus? What about caviar? I dunno...

Here's what I know... The "dip," per se, is probably metaphorical. There's always layers of meaning to chip into when it comes to Doc Waffles. Doc Waffles is a veteran emcee on the Detroit hip-hop scene, and consistently in contention, year-in-and-year-out, for the title of quirkiest emcee-- Maybe not quirky, but he definitely has his own language, his own universe that he's strung together with a slew of themes, subjects and colorfully imagined symbology with his raps. Doc Waffles speaks in twisty-slides and he performs like a troubador magician...

Here's what else I know... Doc Waffles is hosting The Real Diptopia tomorrow night at Trinosophes. A legion of some of my favorite local music artists will be joining him to perform their various styles, from the indie-rock of Double Winter, to the cerebral hip-hop of Mister, to the neo-trip-hop ambient soul scapes of Eddie Logix, the mysterious Prince of Darkness, and the witty slow-motion-cartwheeled-rap quips of Goldzilla

With ping-pong roulette on the sculpture table. Should be an excellent late Spring evening in Eastern Market.

Why not listen to some music while you're here?

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