Thursday, January 1, 2015

Let Us Listen To Music

Another blank slate.
Back to the first track. Side one.

Let us channel benevolence. Let us remember to breathe as deeply as we can every other half hour.

Let us listen to music... for as long as we can... and not begrudge the deadline that pulls you away from your solace(s). Solace can be anywhere, if you perfect a certain internal procedure of tuning out the harmful inconsequentialities, the ubiquitous spirit gnawing swarms of ineffable discouragementors... 

Let us remember, try to remember... that we all mean well, most of us anyways.

Let us aspire to something more than like-ing what each of us are doing and, hopefully, sharing, actually sharing in what we're doing...building toward something.

Let us keep on pushing, against the boulder of this day and the next day. Let us be able to stop and stretch and ....remember: breathe as deeply as we can...

Let us remember how much of the hassleeations and tessellations and situations can be put on hold, when at all possible.

Let us listen to music. Let us remember to listen to music. Let us quote lyrics and get lost in the delicious drones or taken away by cheery chimes, or those beats, let us be taken by those drum beats...

So this is the new year... 

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