5 am....
AJ's Muisc Cafe
...When Jon told me about his atmosphero-pop collective, Song From The Moon's latest performance, I was instantly intrigued.
It happened when most of us were probably asleep... between 5am and 6am... at AJ's Music Cafe - part of the latest "Assembly Line Concert"... just one hour out of 360 sets of bands that are rolling and rocking across that humble stage, even at this very minute...
It got me thinking on the nuanced effects of time-of-day upon the experience of music...as a listener and as a performer, particularly when one flirts with sleep deprivation and, just, the considerable disorientation of your body's sense of temporal rhythm.
Why is there a specific allure, a curious and somewhat spooky bend to the aural architecture of a song when something about your momentary experience (your body, your tricky mind) feels... so off...or displaced... It's that very subtle invigoration you feel when you watch the sunrise, or when you're out for a walk in the wee hours of the morning when it seems like nothing else is active save the flickering traffic lights...
Put yourself in that special sort of... I shouldn't be awake right now-headspace and delve into this track that finds the swirled-out space rock collective seemingly unaffected by the bleary-eyed blahs and stabbing stretch of a cold glowing morning upon the dawn of Spring...
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