Perhaps distant (overlooked) cousins of Fleet Foxes or My Morning Jacket, War On Drugs might be the thinking man’s neo-Americana fuzz-folkers. Singer/songwriter Adam Granduciel’s vocals are too much of a nasally honk (him being a confirmed Dylanite) and the airy feedback and drifty, fuzzed instrumental stretches are too heady to work MMJ or FF’s outdoor arena circuits or woo average Starbuck browsers.
The blend of rootsy, road-trip folk rock and ambient, day-dreamy shoegaze is quite complimentary, in fact, pleasingly listenable, rousing drums tumble under lulling guitar howls, washing together to make the churn of various pedal effects sound earthy; a campfire vibe under kaleidoscope skies.
They play the Blind Pig (Ann Arbor, tonight, 9pm)
Listen: War On Drugs - "Come To The City"
War On Drugs - "Baby Missles"
tomorrow (/Friday)
A new band blending electro-soul with controted dance-punk, offers Hazel Park a taste of The Ferndale Acid Scene, bringing its merry musical pranksterism into the Phoenix Cafe
Here's a demo to sample (Ferndale Acid Scene: "In Love Again")
Also: MNSTRS and Divorce Party
Saturday - after you've spent the day getting cooked and cultured as you traipse open air alley between the Russell Industrial Center for the People's Art Festival (p.s., here's the music schedule) you can then conclude your evening down in Hamtramck - with Detroit's Duende, to commemorate the vinyl release of their 2nd proper LP Florence to the Mad Man - potentially the most ambitous/fully-realized sonic statement from the blues/punk/psychedelic spinners of tie-dyed-yarns and mythic musings.
The album's bolstered by Dave Feeny's ears and board-work as producer (Tempermill) as well as contributions from Ray Thompson (Oscillating Fan Club), Dustin Leslie (Dutch Pink), and Jen David (Illy Mack).
Fur and the Blueflowers open up...
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