“BLOOOOZE ex-SPLO-zhun!!!....Man of my nature always got the trip!”
Jon Spencer… This guy, not even 6 ft tall, and what, he must
be 50 by now, lightning in leather, this sleek slithery freaked-up sanctity... speckled
with sweat, seems to see more than I can see; his mad, dark eyes piercing out
towards far off quaking mountains back, way beyond the crowd, his head craning
up at emerald sky-swirls far above our heads, beyond our sight yet, his heart-thumping
with the kick-drum, he takes his left hand from the neck of his guitar and
claws it out at us as he exerts:
"Don't got to wait till Halloween to scream and
And back into it. Wail. The music, it’s giving him visions.
I’m seeing it too.

He lifts his right hand, the pick scrunched into his fist as
he spits into the mic:
“I need something weird – I need something strange
Cuz I’m a mean bag o’ bones, don’t got to explain…”
Don’t got to explain…
I’m writing this blog post having just attended a concert by
the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. It’s the weekend, it’s autumn, I’m in Detroit and I’m scooping
out stringy-seed-guts from the Jack-o-lantern base of my skull in hopes to cook
up some ruminative results to serve cockamamie theories, overly-brainy, highfalutin
hypotheses as to why we…or least I …(still)
write about music.
It’s disenchanting and disorienting and enthusing all at
once to take stock of Music…in it’s
hyper-democratic / instant-post state.
It’s creation, it’s creators, it’s listeners and its
emission, its impact, its evocations… it’s use?
I finally (finally)
got around to reading Rip It Up and Start
Again, a book on the post-punk movement from 78 – 84. Bands documented in
this book embodied phoenixes from the initial wildfires of seminal punk; the
pure, raw forms from the initial incarnations of the Clash, or the un-caged
snarls of the provocative Pistols were soberly assessed as lacking… “Radical content…” was not merely enough…it demanded
“radical form.”
Thus, post-punk band’s expansion,
a blooming, opening up to disparate influences and the potentials that could be
mined from other genres and the enticing experiment, then, of blending them
together, bending them in new ways, and breaking whatever traditions that
proved not fibrous enough to withstand this refreshing/constructive scrutiny…
New forms…A blend of forms… Radical forms.
It’s part of what Jon Spencer Blues Explosion pioneered and
it’s why I found it so endearing, like some kind of 19th Nervous
Eureka…to see my brother, a less-plugged-in-chap, only a moderate investor in
this music crap and not entirely attuned to its potential for cultural
fertilization…to see him, my brother, with his jaw on the floor and his eyes
peeled back and his head shaking with disbelief…
…at this demonstration. Blues…but punk? Yes. Blues and punk.
Blues and punk and some felicitously pissed-off honky-tonk shuffle. And funk. A
weird, scuffed up funk thing. An explosion.
Blues Explosion.
Not that Spencer had anything to do with the post-punk
movement. It’s just that I could re-experience the revelation through my
brother’s own “first-time,” since he’d never seen this band no matter how long
they’ve been playing or how long they’ve been touring, I could sense that he
got it… The relevance of JSBX was its valiant/defiant scatter-sandwich-slam of
styles and the dynamism therein displayed when such edgy eclecticism is
installed into brains and bodies of players who believe in the impact, the use …of music.
It’s use to motivate. To inspire…
…but what though? Inspire-what?
That was the question that began author Simon Reynolds book,
Rip It Up, that the face-planting
fizzle of punk came about when the system-upsetters realized they couldn’t
build much upon their initial inherently anarchic planks…or worse, they didn’t
have the motivation to build anything back after their first “explosion.”
But I write about music because I can’t help seeing it as a
story – a galactic-sized opera – where bands and songs and even noises are
personified into characters with back-stories and complex, eruptive traits,
ebbing, flowing, conversing, arguing, evolving, disputing, harmonizing…
What resonated most with me (and Rip It Up) was Reynold’s tacit question of: what’s it all lead-up
to…what can all this music, all this
action, all this progressive blending and bending and re-inventing…create …beyond ephemeral ecstasy.
How does the story end? Or, at least, when will a “next
chapter” feel truly next, or new?
When can mere marvel turns to motivation…What do we want
from music? I don’t know if I’m saying I want it to bring us peace or I want it
to be able to build a community and to be the backbone of our social harmony,
because then it just winds up feeling religious in a way and that leads to
dogmatic zeal and then people start arguing again, judging, doubting.
I just know that I want more than just a cascade of blogs
blurbing the latest single from a band that was stumbled upon through
thrill-less chance by some surfer-snark-file-sharer spoiled by a sea supremely
swamped with bandcamp-buoys.
When music criticism died –we lost qualification. You should like this because –muddled
into a certain condescension like: Oh,…you
haven’t heard of so-and-so’s yet?
And then Facebook gave us, us-all-too-trigger-happy-smart-phone
grippers, the hollowly-exclamatory “Like” button and all went out the window.
But reading Rip,
and seeing JSBX and the baffled grin on my brother’s face reminded me why I
started writing about music in the first place.
It’s drama. It’s potential to inspire and to teach us… But
maybe that’s reaching… Over-glorification.
We just knew that it felt good to be plugged into the
dynamism together, to freak out and lose our shit…together, last night, at the
edge of that stage. That MUSIC can do that to us humans.
And that brings me to the question, then, that Rip asks, that post-punk asked, that we
all should be continually asking: That music can do this or that …to us, as
listeners and players… What else, then, can it do?
What more can it do?