Stereoluxxx - 6 / 26 -
in Pontiac
Mikel O.D.
Last week I read somewhere that over-bloated, blowhard Rush Limbaugh mentioned that Flint would be better off bulldozed. Sure Flint has more than its share of problems, but com’on bulldozed! I can’t come up with a long list of things to keep Flint around. But, there are a few bands from the downtrodden city worth seeking out. One of them being the innovative Stereoluxxx.Like that song you really don’t want to remember, Stereoluxxx truly are a combination of ebony and ivory that make perfect harmony. Singer Tunde Olaniran was a former member of Funkstorung, providing vocals that soar, recalling some of the better house music vocalists, or, even Prince’s funkier moments. Brian Preczewski, also known as Controller, provides the music behind Stereoluxxx.
Playing guitar, synthesizers and other instruments, Controller creates a backdrop of electro synth-pop and funk for Tunde. Think Pet Shop Boys with Prince singing minus the attitude, stiff lyrics, and adding in a whole lot of fun. Not shying away from their ambitions, Stereoluxxx, released “Eros” their debut as a concept record. A concept record that actually works in telling the heartbreaking, and at times, uplifting story of Jane, a woman looking for love in all the wrong places. The songs shift from funky dance to shimmering electronic, the constant being Tunde’s smooth vocals.
Presented by the website/podcast, Most People Are DJs, you can experience Stereoluxxx live along with DJ sets of indie-electro on Friday, June 26th, at Vernor’s Lounge (inside the Crofoot) for Phonotropic Fridaze.
I appreciate you mentioning Flint, Michigan in your post and your general support for Flint. You said couldn't think of a long list of reasons to keep Flint around.
So I thought I'd help you. First, I wanted to explain the bulldoze the city thing was just a flip comment about a bigger concept some Flint people have to help the city. The idea is to take down our abandoned homes and replace them with green space or community gardens. It's not to bulldoze the entire city as some have seemed to imply.
For your readers, I have some places they might like, including the Machine Shop in Flint, which brings in top talent from throughout the nation. This summer Mark Farner, formerly of Grand Funk Railroad, will perform Aug. 15in Flint's historic Atwood Stadium as part of a day long music festival. There's also a group trying to put together a "Flint Stock" music festival this fall to honor the 30 year anniversary of Woodstock.
Plus there's a ton of festivals, community events and regular attractions in Flint to see. I could list them all, but didn't think you'd want me to fill up for blog. you and your readers can go to geneseefun.com to get more information or go to this Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/flintmichigan?ref=ts#/group.php?gid=48757409443&ref=ts) to find out what's happening in the Flint area this weekend and beyond.
Also, be sure to check out the "Flint Michigan" facebook page, facebook.com/flint.michigan and you'll see there are a lot of people who support Flint and are working to make it a success.
Thanks again for mentioning Flint in your recent post. Hope this has helped.
Matt Bach
public relations manager
Flint Area Convention and Visitors Bureau
(810) 232-3288
Thank you for not agreeing with the bulldozing idea Mr. Limbaugh had. There are a lot of good things happening in Flint and I have faith that the current revitalization movement will succeed.
Cool it's also fun to note that Controller can also rep for pontiac :)
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