8:45-9:00 MOBIL
9:15-9:45 SEX GHOST
10:00-10:30 CARJACK
11:30-12:15 VICIOUS CYCLES
12:30-1:00 CHARLIE SLICK
1:15-1:45 DEASTRO
Prominent Electro-locals Unite for Holiday Dance Party (words: Milo) ~~

(Sex Ghost)
Never start a snowball fight with robots. Lack of emotions means they’re ruthless, plus they’ve got freeze-resistant rocket-launching technology.
I tried hosting a “Deep Cutz Kinda Christmas” at my cozy green shack of a house on a blustery winter day, only to have my second guest, one-man band of destructo-space punk, Carjack, (aka Lo-Fi-Bri), arrive flanked by the smart-ass robots who often accompany him to live performances. The robots and I would spend the next 20 minutes hurling ice at each other…I’m still disputing who actually won…
Minimalist glammy dance-pop duo Sex Ghost (Patrick Wenzel, Natasha Beste) were already inside, mixing egg nog at a safe distance from their 6 drum machines. Boisterous medieval video-game nerd-hunks Champions of Breakfast (Val Hundreds, Moses Jackson) arrived not too long after Carjack, striding up my driveway on white steeds with their swords and cardboard “axes” drawn. A half-hour later, I’d just finished hanging my outdoor lights when new-wave dance magnate Charlie Slick’s striking blue van rolled up, blaring bass-bulged LL Cool J jams that caused the collected snow on my roof to avalanche down upon my creepy Home Depot-bought skeletal light up reindeer decorations.
The scarf-swung Randolph Chabot of Deastro, along with the Crofoot’s Phreddy Wischusen, drove up in a station-wagon packed with presents just at sunset, and finally the party could begin. The celebration? Bringing together most of the line up for Friday night, the ‘Phonotropic’s Bing Crosby’s Holiday Dance and Shopping
Explosion of Cheer and/or Glee,’ features a long-anticipated who’s-who of local synth-n-sampler-pulsed dance, rock and pop that we’d all been anticipating to inevitably form an ultimate bill: Deastro, Champions of Breakfast, Carjack, Charlie Slick and Sex Ghost. (Also with Vicious Cycles, Downtime, DJs and venders).
Glammy dance-pop duo Sex Ghost, “started off as a fun side project for us both,” said singer Nathas Beste. “We were lucky enough to be noticed and invited to play some of our first shows during two of the biggest festivals, the BLOWOUT and Detour’s ROCK CITY FEST. We are inspired by our own moods and atmospheric changes caused by the seasons and changes in life. I push (singer/electronics) Patrick (Wenzel) to be more organized and he pushes me to be more improvisational.”
“Sex Ghost! was born out of our shared sense of humor and interest in different styles of music but with the art of keeping everything minimal. It’s interesting to see people’s reaction to our name. People have even referred to us as raunchy and very sexual but I honestly think that it is the power of suggestion- SEX in the name… they have got to be dirty. We won’t deny it’s laced with it, but not saturated. We are inspired by our own moods and atmospheric changes caused by the seasons and changes in life. I push Patrick to be more organized and he pushes me to be more improvisational. We both agree that less is more and we may have learned that the hard way.”
[Natasha added, on a Phonotropic related note…and a future-plans note:]—“ Our favorite place we have played is was the Pike Room at the Crofoot in
Destructo-space-punk, Carjack, meanwhile, hit up NY, Toronto, and Chicago this year, while its sole operator joined another band, Electric Fire Babies. Lo-fi-Bri plans on releasing a full-length, 2 new 7”’s and re-issuing a back-log of old EPs and b-sides this winter to early spring.
For dance-pop/party-in-a-box Charlie Slick, 2008 has been “a year of building. We (with keyboardist Shelley), at least I feel, have laid the foundation for some exciting growth in 09. [New LP] Edward Murphy has been selling well and it gives me hope that I can keep this rock n roll machine going.” Elron Hubbard comes in spring 09.
Deastro signed to Ghostly International and is preparing a winter release for their Moondagger LP.
Champions of Breakfast are planning their first US tour for April 09 and plan to release something in summertime. Said Moses Jackson, “…what we hope to accomplish is moving forward from a commentary on medieval mythology and its weirdo connections to American Techno Music and attempt to use the work we've already done as a framework to explore a more domestic project, i.e. produce a record that addresses the mythology of the American Frontier in a sort of mash-up way.” They are actively seeking sponsorship from Joose malt-liquor energy drink.
Thus, sharing massively spiked egg-nog that caused our noses to grow a clichéd red hewn, we started wassailing around my living room, sharing our thoughts on a few yuletide subjects….
Most magical thing about christmas/hanukah/kwanza/etc etc...
Sex Ghost: Making out by crackling fireplaces, turtle neck sweaters, red underwear and gifts you can return.
Charlie: I really like the holidays. Christmas and Thanksgiving. Christmas movies make me cry. Frosty Especially is good. I like getting to see other people’s families and how they celebrate.
Deastro: Laughter "It is all about the Laughter!!"
Least magical thing about the holidays…
Charlie: I'm not going to shit talk comercialism like I think a lot of people might. I don't mind it so much because I don't let it offend me. I think a lot of it is funny
Sex Ghost: Parents tell kids a creepy old guy in a red jumpsuit breaks into your house while your sleeping and gives you "presents.”
favorite x-mas song…
Carjack: 'Santa Stole My Baby' by the Mistreaters - A modern day Christmas classic.
Sex Ghost: ‘Keep Christmas with You’ by Bob and that deaf lady Linda from Christmas eve on sesame street. Its a real tear jerker.
Least favorite x-mas song…
Sex Ghost: Here comes Santa Claus. I think the title speaks for itself.
Deastro: Anything Christmas song Bing Crosby sings! I just don't like the way he draws out his words, I'm more of a Dean Martin guy!
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