At least, if one closes ones eyes with one's head between headphones...while listening to the steady churning, truly-"atmospheric"-drift of Robin Goodfellow's 17-minute "The Hollow of the Tree Hills,"...well, then maybe you'll find yourself daydreamily tripping out onto similar fantastical exospheric landscapes.
Once you make it to the 8-minute mark, a muffled, punchy beat finally accelerates the piece, and while these lumbering rocket ship engines continue to sputter around the corners, a wavy synth coos in to warm things up as the beat continues to propel forward... either back to Earth or, if you like, out deeper, passing a handful more of alien suns and systems...
But that's my trip.
Nathan Burgundy (Computer Perfection) and A.P. MacKinnon (Mother Whale) unite in surreal sounds and meditative noise via Robin Goodfellow - which you can sample at said-project's bandcamp or over at their facebook.
Happy floating.
Happy floating.
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